Welcome To IntenTree
I’m Ann, Founder and a passionate internet growth specialist!
I am so glad that you are here to check our story 🙂 And not just explode your business on a trajectory
I know you have so many things going on, so keeping it short and sweet 🙂
I started IntenTree with my partner over Six years ago from our bedroom, with the intent to share what we learnt over the years working with some of the largest corporations on the planet.
Like many of you, we started having this realization (the one that puts voices in your head!) that life had to be more than just the 9-5 jobs and living pay cheque to pay cheque!
It was a struggle to get our first client but after that we never stopped!
My team and I have been on a fantastic growth story primarily due to our mindset of marketing tactics that are results focused for Australian business and not to be featured in some news paper or win any awards.
We don’t want to be Australia’s biggest agency or anything. All we want is to look back and be proud that we help small business like yourself to beat your competition and go to the next level
So let me guarantee you this. When you work with us, you are being served by some of the best in the industry, who not only will help you reach and surpass your growth goals but help you understand your business like never before.
Talk to me or anyone in my team on how we have done this before and can recreate that same magic for you as well:
Intentree has more than doubled our existing revenue by increasing our conversions from 2.5% to 5.5% .
That was close to about $350,000 worth of more profit.
We went from break even last year to 70 grand profit in my bank this year.
When I compare to my spend, its like $7.50 for every $1 I spend with Intentree. Its a bloody bargain.